Sunday, June 12, 2011

3rd work day

This was the 2nd scheduled work day and the 3rd actual one. The 2 I attended were so fun! Doug had done alot on the worst wall of the garage and then we worked again most of the day and it's almost ready to paint! Well...probably one more day and it will be ready. I have to say I've never seen such thorough prep work! I hope it lasts. It's the greatest thing to share with people you love, work together and accomplish something. It really helps to have Nancy's meals to spur us on! Thanks to everyone who came.
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Sunday, June 5, 2011

One of the two big pine trees we cut down on work weekend at the ranch. I am sure it had bitter sweet moments for most of us. Those trees were a part of the history, love, and family tradition made at the Sacry Ranch